Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? Not actually if you look at how and what they teach. They claim that you will find a better job. The truth is No! This has been proven to me to be the biggest Waste of Time, Energy and Money. I have been to college 5 times for computers and not once did I find a job doing anything with computers. Every time I graduated with a 4.0 average and then went to look for a job they had changed the Programs. I still had to go get a waitress job so that I could survive. All I really got was a lot debt.

School Tuition is a big joke! The grades do not really mean success or anything in the Real World. There are more graduates who are looking for any other job than what they went to school for. Every year they increase their fees for what I haven’t a clue. So Is College Worth IT?

Is College Worth It?

OK… let’s take a look at this…

This is the sad reality 45 percent of students “could not demonstrate any valuable improvement in their learning” in the first two years. There was 40 percent who actually didn’t learn anything in all four years.

CLEARLY People are not Getting Smarter by Going to College: So Is College Worth IT?

  • Many Students Never Even Studied, 35 percent confessed only 5 hours a week or less studying.
  • Shopping, eating and partying was 2 times the time of 2.67 hours a day studying.
  • Consequently: The increase of Adulty illiteracy in Cognitive tasks is below average. They do not even know how to calculate the costs of foods in the grocery store.
  • Our College Grads in the US test much less than any High School kids do in several different countries.
  • The decline of Academic Rigor in our Top Universities is very disheartening.
  • College Classes get worse and averages are at 3.0. Yet more students are failing but the way the Colleges tell it Nobody Fails.

So Tax Payers are Paying Out $Billions of Dollars to These Institutions? WHAT!!! There would be Fraud Indictments If This was a Private Business!! 

So what is the answer?

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Compared to College this is just too good to be true but, it is true and has been proven time and time again. You will learn more in a month here that you will ever learn by going to college for a year.

You can actually get your money back in 60 days if not satisfied.

Are you ready to get your real value in an education? You will not find this in any school but if you want time freedom and the choice to have potential incomes. Check this Out for you own information.


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